Early in the 70s I was active in the field of implantology and I was convinced that dental implantology could develop into a scientifcally recognised dental discipline following a large number of “trial and error” attempts. This dream came true and DGZI already in 1993 introduced an implantologist’s qualifcation by means of a standardised test. This was a completely new concept in Germany at that time. This qualifying examination has been named the “Implantology Specialist—DGZI”...
The high prevalence of tooth-related diseases, a growing geriatric population and a rapidly growing awareness to replace lost teeth by dental implants force dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons to cope with promises made by implant manufacturers such as “new teeth in one hour”. While implant manufacturers try to maximise their sales numbers by such marketing strategies, it will always be the practitioner’s full responsibility to treat patients with strictly evidence-based treatment protocols, especially when it comes to the immediate functional loading of dental implants.
The patient, a healthy 66-year-old woman, presented with a thin mandibular ridge (Figs. 1 & 2). Her main complaint was the poor retention of the prosthesis, causing her pain and discomfort when chewing properly while eating. The same retention problem would also make her very uncomfortable at social events, since she was afraid of the prosthesis slipping when she laughed...
Explantation of an implant in a heavy smoker
Dr Branislav Fatori, Dr Inge Schmitz & Prof. Werner Götz, Germany
Dental implants are increasingly being used to restore missing teeth. Thanks to further developments in implantology, it is now possible to offer patients an individualised, optimal dental prosthesis. Despite an optimal surgical procedure, implant loss can occur. In the following article, the authors report one case of a heavy smoker in whom an implant had to be removed after 4.5 years owing to a material defect of the screw, despite excellent osseointegration.
Immediate implant treatment requires predictability. Tapered Pro implants have been developed based on over 10 years of tapered implant success. The unique design elements provide a predictable solution for immediate treatment. The Tapered Pro implant design features a tapered body and deep buttress threads to provide primary stability...
Simplant Planning Service provides clinicians with a solution to improve their implant treatment business without compromising the clinical outcome of their case, as well as facilitating the more complex cases. With this service, clinicians stay in control of their implant planning cases, they have the possibility to rely on an experienced partner to build their business, and they get the tools needed to easily plan and safely execute a surgery.
We have all been facing an extremely unknown and dif-ficult situation these past few weeks and yes, it is completely normal to be afraid and feel worried about your clinic’s future in the post-coronavirus era. I would like to begin with a quote from Nelson Mandela, who said: “When conditions change, you must change your strategy and your mind. That’s not indecisiveness, that’s pragmatism.
n 2019, the novel implant system by the Ger-man implant manufacturing company TIZIO Hybrid Implants was unveiled for the first time. The implant is unique in that it combines the advantages of titanium and ceramics in one system. In this interview, Jennifer Wilken, CEO of the company based in Rostock at the shores of the Baltic Sea, talks about what sets their product apart and gives an outlook on what’s to come for her company in the near future...
The German Association of Dental Implantology (DGZI) established and registered in 1970 is the oldest dental implantology association in Germany and represents in their more than 45 years of history practice-oriented and science-based implant dentistry and has set standards in oral implantology in Germany. DGZI is a non-profit as-sociation active in the field of dental implantology...
On 6 and 7 November 2020, the 3rd Future Congress for Dental Implantology/50th International Annual Congress of the German Association of Dental Implantology (DGZI) will take place in Bremen in Germany. Under the theme “Visions in Implantology: 50 Years—From single Implant to digital Workflow”, the professional association will be celebrating its 50th anniversary...